

I have nothing of relevance to say today, really - so stop now if you don't feel like wasting a few minutes.

December 9th, are you serious, 2012? Slow it down a bit. Christ. 

It's about that time of the year again - time to assemble my top ten albums of 2012. I feel like I've hit the music jackpot lately - Daughter, Lord Huron, Joshua James, Bright Moments. I am thinking the majority of these will end up on the list.

Last night was Rob's Christmas party - I spooned a dog and ate too many scotcheroos. Tried to take a normal picture with Drew, but that can never happen, I guess. Had three PBRs and woke up with a hangover. My drinking days have sadly come to an end, it seems. I guess I'll go be 25 and a grown up or something now. *Sigh*

As you may or may not know - I'm about to be homeless/roommateless in a matter of weeks. Kylie's moving to West O with her Lare-bear and I'm in a weird limbo - my lease ends at the end of December and Maddie's lease doesn't end until April. Trying to find a temporary roommate through April so I can stay in this house that I love so much, rather than trying to find a temporary sublet/room until Maddie's lease is up. It has been such a headache. You can't imagine the number of creepy responses I have received from Craigslist. Think I might have found a suitable candidate though, so we will see. Looking forward to living with Maddie in Benson or Dundee come spring! Preparing for all of the steamrollers. (That doesn't make sense unless you are Maddie, probably.)

I looked at a studio apartment close to downtown today. It. Was. Terrifying. The lady showed me three vacancies within the building; before we left, she asked if I would like to fill out an application. I told her I'd get back to her (never). 

The only saving grace of the afternoon was going to Howlin' Hounds coffee shop for a white chocolate mocha. *Hair flip* Drew makes fun of me for getting white chocolate mochas every day. "Can I get a white chocolate mocha?" in his best valley girl voice. I think he can just shut up already. 

Maddie's Christmas choir concert is tonight. I'll get my fill of Christmas music and then I'll still have to listen to it for the next two weeks. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. Procrastinator at heart, always. 

I'm bitter today, I'm sorry.





    I seriously get a headache the night I drink them.

    PS. you guys are cute.

    1. Oh, hey Heather. :)

      YOU'RE CUTE. Welcome back to blogging.
