

About a year ago, my friends Alycia and Coop were blessed with a stylish little angel named Oliver Bixby. The amount of joy that little babe has brought to them and their families is just immeasurable... you can see people light up whenever they interact with Oliver. He is a special little guy, that's for sure. 

We celebrated his first birthday on Saturday in the most beautiful house/backyard I've ever been in. Everything was so picturesque. Fitting for a little king like Oliver. 

After Oliver finished tearing through his cake and opened a few presents, David and Alycia stood up to thank everyone for coming. David started getting a little lengthy in his speech, thanking Alycia for the wonderful mom she has been, his voice a little shaky... I look at my friend Lee and we both acknowledge that this is happening. So I move to a prime spot for photos to capture the moment... and sure enough. He proposed!


With the most beautiful ring I've ever seen, mind you...

Congratulations, you two. I've never seen a pair more perfectly fit for each other. We all love you! Here's to a new chapter. Can't wait for the wedding.

Alycia and Coop's families were both so inviting and even entertained us until 11:30 pm because we were all hamming it up by the fire. Such a lovely night with such lovely people. The perfect day, overall.



  1. Lovely photos, these are ones to treasure for sure! :)

    1. Thank you, Andrea! It was a beautiful day.
