

I got the job! I got the job! I got the job! You can now address me as Kelly Bentley, Account Coordinator Extraordinaire at Envoy, Inc. Actually - if you could use all of that every time you speak to me, that'd be great.

I'm so excited to start a new chapter in my life. The last chapter lasted for far too long and it was mildly depressing. I'm more than ready to commit to a career and I'm so very lucky that I've been awarded this great opportunity! A big thank you to everyone who put up with my unemployed self for so long, I know it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy for me, either. I start next Thursday, so I've got a few days left to sleep in late.

While we're on the topic of work - wouldn't this make for a great work bag? Hint, hint, whoever has an extra $168 to blow.

>> http://s7.madewell.com/is/image/madewell/53228_BR6755?$pdp_fs418$

I'm finally in a good place and I'm feeling very happy about it all. <3
